Saturn conjunct Pluto: This transit indicates a period of hard work, effort, and self-discipline. This is a time of seriousness, as you are likely to encounter a “death” or change of some kind. Depending on where your natal Pluto is located, and while house Pluto rules in your chart, these changes can occur on an inner level, or on an external level. You are willing to put in the work necessary to reach your goals at this time. This transit signals the end of an old way of life, and the beginning of a new way of life. The events that occur in your life at this time are inevitable and fated. Eliminating behaviors, habits, and people that no longer serve a purpose in your life is common at this time. The losses you face at this time are necessary for your overall growth as a person, so be strong and let go! You may become reclusive, anti-social, and austere at this time, but this will help you develop the strength and self-reliance you need to achieve success.
Saturn sextile or trine Pluto: During this cycle, you will feel more dedicated and committed to your work. You are far more reliable and consistent at work, and may receive recognition for your efforts in form of a promotion or raise. You are better able to handle authority, and cooperate with others easily. This is a productive time for you, so use it to your advantage. This transit also represents a personal evolution, which may give way to changes to your lifestyle. In your sexual life, you are more respectful of your mate, which can improve the quality of your relationship.
Saturn square or opposite Pluto: During this cycle, something that has been repressed, hidden, or forgotten will surface, begging for your attention. Ghosts from the past or burdens may reveal themselves, and need to be purged. This is the time to eliminate the people, habits, and behaviors that have been holding you back from true growth. This may be a time of loneliness, reclusiveness, and limitations. Superficial social interactions no longer interest you; you seek authenticity in all that you do. On the good side, you will be able to accomplish a great deal at this time, due to increased focus and decreased frivolousness. You become tougher and more resilient as a result of this transit. On the downside, this transit can be awfully depressing and lonely. You develop a pessimistic view of your life at this time. This is a time of “letting go”- of people, situations, and behaviors that no longer serve you.
Check which house Pluto is located in your chart, and which house Pluto rules in your chart, in order to get a better idea of how this transit will manifest.
If Pluto rules, or is situated in your 1st house, a complete transformation of your physical appearance and self-expression is likely. This may be a depressing period in which you have to let go of habits and relationships that no longer serve you. This is a great time for weight loss.
If Pluto rules, or is situated in your 2nd house, you may experience a complete transformation of your financial situation. Financial austerity may plague you at this time. This transit also indicates a transformative time in regards to your self-worth. If you acted against in ways that undermine your self-respect in the past, this is the time where you will become acutely aware of it.
If Pluto rules, or is situated in your 3rd house, your relationships with relatives may transform at this time. Your way of communication is likely to change dramatically at this time. You will become much more penetrating and deep in thought at this time.
If Pluto rules, or is situated in your 4th house, your home life and relationship with your parents will transform. Repressed emotions and unresolved issues from childhood will likely surface at this time, begging for resolution. You may decide to move at this time.
If Pluto rules, or is situated in your 5th house, your social and romantic life will transform. This can sometimes mean and increased commitment to your partner, but this can also indicate a break-up. Check your other transits to see how this transit will manifest.
If Pluto rules, or is situated in your 6th house, you may become increasingly focused on your work and health. You may take on a new diet or exercise regimen. A significant change to your daily routine may occur at this time. This is a time of hard work. If you have withstood abuse at work, you will likely address it at this time.
If Pluto rules, or is situated in your 7th house, a relationship may be solidified. Or, unequal power in a relationship may lead you to break off your current relationship. You are unwilling to compromise power at this time.
If Pluto rules, or is situated in your 8th house, a death of someone close to you may occur. This transit can indicate financial austerity. A time of inner psychological cleansing is indicated.
If Pluto rules, or is situated in your 9th house, a transformation of your worldview is likely to take place. A loss of faith may occur as a result of this transit.
If Pluto rules, or is situated in your 10th house, changes to your career or social status are likely to occur. This is a time of hard work and perseverance as it relates to your career. The opportunity to make enormous strides at work is likely. However, this transit can also indicate a loss of power or prestige if you have behaved unethically in the past.
If Pluto rules, or is situated in your 11th house, your social circle is likely to transform. You are likely to become much more reclusive at this time. You may let go of out-dated friendships that no longer serve you.
If Pluto rules, or is situated in your 12th house, you may experience an increased need for solitude. This is a great time to get in touch with your inner self. Secrets and hidden truths in regards to sex and money may surface as a result of this transit.
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