Monday, 12 November 2012

We recently found out that Rihanna and Chris Brown are back together. Again. Their reunion has sparked a lot of debate over whether she should have taken him back, considering the fact that he physically abused her. Let's take a look at what the stars have to say about this controversial couple!

Rihanna's Birth Chart​
Rihanna has her Sun in Pisces. People with their Suns in this sign are known for their extreme compassion, sympathy, and forgiveness. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of delusion, self-sacrifice, and martyrdom. Pisceans tend to look for the best in people, and gloss over their faults. Pisceans tend to live in a dream world, and are often out of touch with reality. Pisces people are probably the most likely to stay in abusive relationships; they make excuses for their partners due to their habit of focusing on the positives. In fact,
they often see people for who they are not, which puts them at risk of ending up in relationships involving abuse, infidelity, and exploitation.
If this wasn't enough, Rihanna's chart features a Venus square Neptune aspect. This emphasizes Rihanna's Piscean traits, especially in terms of her relationships. When you have Venus square Neptune in your
chart, the risk of idealization, delusion, and illusions  in regards to your relationships increases. This aspect indicates Rihanna tends to be blinded by love. She tends to see the best in Chris and ignores his faults. She makes excuses for Chris' shortcomings, and is easily seduced by his advances. It is difficult to reason with individuals with this placement, especially when it comes to their love lives.
Pamela Anderson has this aspect in her chart. Her ex-husband, Tommy Lee, was very physically abusive towards her during their three-year marriage. Pamela eventually had him arrested, but was waiting outside
the jail for him the day he got out, and the two reconciled. Whitney Houston's Sun and Venus are squared by her Natal Neptune, and we all remember her abusive relationship with Bobby Brown. We all wondered
why in the world she withstood Bobby's abuse, but it becomes clear when you consider her natal chart.
Where Mars lands in our chart tells us the area in which we will experience aggression and conflict. In Rihanna's chart, her Mars lands in her 7th house, the house of one-on-one partnerships, which indicates she experiences violence, abuse, and aggression in her relationships. Not surprisingly, Whitney Houston has Mars in her 7th house, as well. Rihanna's Mars is conjunct her natal Uranus, which indicates her relationships contain sudden conflicts, as well as many sudden separations. Indeed, her and Chris have been on and off for years. Rihanna's Mars is also conjunct her natal Saturn in her 7th house, which indicates she takes her relationships very seriously, and has tremendous staying power. She has tremendous determination in making her relationships work.

Chris Brown
Chris Brown has a heck of a lot of Taurus in his Chart; his Sun, Moon, and Venus are in this sign. Taurus is a fixed sign, meaning they are stubborn and resistant to change. If you've ever dated a Taurus guy, you know these guys tend to hold on. They are very possessive; they like knowing someone is 'theirs', as it makes them feel secure. They are usually quite calm and cool, but can have explosive tempers.
Chris' natal Pluto in Scorpio is opposite his stellium in Taurus. This explains the root of his temper perfectly. Oppositions in the natal chart signify the person has a difficult time integrating the energies of the opposing planets. As a result, the person tends to swing back and forth between them. In Chris' case, his Pluto opposite Sun/Moon/Venus conjunction indicates his personality swings between the extremes of light and dark. This aspect indicates he he has power and control issues. With the opposition to his Sun and Moon, I
wouldn't be surprised if Chris witnessed abuse via his parents. In fact, his natal Pluto is in his 4th house, with Scorpio on the cusp. This is a strong indicator of an abusive household. With his Venus opposite Pluto aspect, Chris has definite control issues when it comes to love. He is prone to jealousy, manipulation, domination, and yes, abuse. Since the opposition is in Taurus and Scorpio, he is highly possessive and controlling over his mates.
Incidentally, Bobby Brown also has Pluto opposite Venus in his natal chart.

Chris' Mars in Cancer opposes Rihanna's Mars/Saturn/Uranus conjunction. This is a combative aspect, indeed! The Mars opposite Mars aspect is enough of an indicator of abuse on its own. This aspect indicates ego clashes, aggression, and a lack of understanding over each other's temperaments. Rihanna's Saturn in opposition to Chris' Mars indicates the couple has explosive arguments stemming from criticism and insecurity. Rihanna's Uranus in opposition to Chris' Mars indicates a fair amount of unpredictability and uncontrollable impulsive actions towards each other.
Chris' Neptune is square Rihanna's Venus and Moon. In Chris, Rihanna feels she has found her soulmate. She makes excuses for his faults and sees the best in him. She is very forgiving towards him, and always
gives him the benefit of the doubt, even when it is not in her best interest.
Chris' Saturn is also square Rihanna's Venus and Moon. Saturn aspects are very binding, yet at the same time, difficult! When I think of Saturn aspects in synastry, I think of parent-child relationships. Indeed, Saturn represents the 'father' in astrology, so the Saturn person in the relationship often takes on a 'parental' role. Saturn increases one's sense of responsibility to another, but on the negative side, it indicates emotional distancing, coldness, and a lack of affection, as well as restrictive and controlling behavior.
With this aspect, Rihanna beauty and overall personality bring out Chris' greatest insecurities. As a result, Chris may become demanding of Rihanna, and may attempt to restrict her emotionally and socially. Chris may become jealous when Rihanna tries to have a social life outside of their relationship. Chris may think Rihanna is childish and irresponsible, while Rihanna may consider Chris overbearing and dictatorial. With this aspect in synastry, there is a great risk of the relationship turning into a loveless union devoid of affection.
Rihanna's Mercury squares Chris' Sun/Moon/Venus in Taurus, which indicates difficulty in communication. The couple has a difficult time expressing ideas, feelings and emotions.
On the plus side, Rihanna's Sun is conjunct Chris' North Node in his 7th house! No wonder he is so drawn to her! Rihanna is Chris' idea of the perfect woman. With Chris' North Node in his 7th house, his life's path is strongly centered around his one-on-one relationships, such as romantic unions and marriage. With Rihanna's Sun on this point, Chris feels Rihanna is pulling him forward, towards his destiny. Rihanna exemplifies the qualities Chris needs to evolve. This is a very powerful synastry aspect, which is felt especially strongly on Chris' part.

It seems as though Chris met Rihanna while Neptune was transiting his North Node and her Sun. The nature of the relationship is usually described by the transits each person is experiencing at the time; the transits of each person highlight the important synastric connections between the couple. With Neptune on Chris' North Node, it makes sense that he met Rihanna, a Pisces. With Neptune on Rihanna's Sun, she probably fell for Chris instantly. During this transit, our sense of fantasy and dreaminess is stimulated. Rihanna is Neptunian as it is, but this transit intensified these qualities even more.
The fact that Rihanna entered an abusive relationship doesn't surprise me, given the fact that transiting Pluto has been conjunct her Neptune and square her natal Venus for the past while. Pluto transiting your Neptune is intensifies her delusional tendencies, which are already strong due to her strong Neptune placements and Pisces Sun.
Looking at their transits, I feel the couple may stay together for at least another year. If they break up, I believe it will be around October 2013, when Saturn conjuncts Chris' natal Pluto and opposes his Sun/Moon/Venus conjunction in Taurus. At the same time, Saturn will square Rihanna's Mercury, the ruler of her 1st house. At the same time, Saturn can indicate responsibility and commitment, so perhaps they will solidify their relationship in some way. Given the amount of squares and oppositions they will face around that time, a break-up seems more likely. Also, transiting Uranus will make an exact square to Rihanna's Neptune at that time, which will serve to shake her out of any delusions she may be carrying, especially in terms of relationships.  By that time, Neptune will be finished transiting her Sun, which will help her gain clarity over her feelings and over the relationship.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I would love to hear your insights on the 8th house moon overlay!!!
