In Astrology, the Sun represents your core being. It represents the Self, your Personality, and the Ego. Just as the planets orbit the Sun in our Solar System, our natal planets shine their light on our natal Sun, shaping our values, beliefs, ideals, and behaviors.
Sun in the Signs
Aries is the sign of the Child. Indeed, Aries men and women have a child-like quality, which can be quite endearing, or irritating, depending on who you ask!
Aries is symbolized by the "Ram", as they go "head-first" into everything they do. They are active and energetic, as well as straight forward and very impatient. They tend to "act before they think", both with their bodies and their tongues. Aries individuals tend to live in the "now", meaning they move on quickly and tend not to plan ahead. These individuals are known for their courage, independence, and "me"-centered philosophies on life.
As a Cardinal sign, Aries enjoys initiating activities, and loves to be the first to start activities. They are usually bold, and do not shy away from confrontation. In fact, a good conflict energizes Arians. They have quick tempers, but move on from their anger very quickly. This is not a sign that holds a grudge.
Famous people with their Sun in Aries: Mariah Carey, Russell Crowe, James Franco, Lady Gaga, Quentin Tarantino, Reese Witherspoon, Sarah Jessica Parker, Heath Ledger, and Marlon Brando.
Taurus is symbolized by the "Bull". Indeed, Solar Taureans are strong-willed, yet stubborn folk.
Taurus individuals are solid, dependable, and hard-working. They are sensual and pleasure-seeking, as in, they enjoy activities which tickle all the physical senses. They enjoy good food, good drink, comfortable surroundings, and picturesque views. Their pleasure-seeking behavior give Taureans the reputation of being the "hedonists" of the Zodiac.
Being an Earth sign, security is very important to them. Taurus rules the second house, the house of material possessions. Indeed, financial security is important to Taureans. Taurus men and women have fixed ideas, and it is next to impossible to change their minds once their minds are made up. They also tend to hold on to grudges, and have a difficult time "letting go" of past hurts. Taureans are possessive folk; knowing something or someone is theirs gives them a great sense of security.
Famous people with their Sun in Taurus: George Clooney, Uma Thurman, Al Pacino, Leonardo Da Vinci, Jessica Alba, Robert Pattinson, Michelle Pfeiffer, Penelope Cruz.
Gemini is represented by the "twins", which refers to their dual nature. Indeed, it is common to find two sides to a Gemini, each having a personality unlike the other.
Geminis enjoy communication and collecting information. They thrive on intellectual stimulation, and enjoy a good debate. They tend to bore easily due to their constant need to experiment, explore, and communicate.
As an mutable sign, they thrive on change and adapt to new people, places, and situations with ease. In keeping with their changeable natures, they tend to change their minds and feelings frequently.
Gemini is ruled by Mercury, a non-emotional, intellectual sign. As a result, they make friends easily, but are difficult to get close to. They have a scattered energy about them; they tend to spread their energies wide to ensure a maximum amount of experiences. You'll often find Geminis performing several tasks at once. Indeed, Geminis often "know a lot about everything, but a little about one thing"; they tend not to delve deeply into issues, but rather prefer skimming the surface.
Famous people with their Sun in Taurus: Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp, Nicole Kidman, Marilyn Monroe, Natalie Portman, John F. Kennedy, Paul McCartney, Rafael Nadal, Clint Eastwood.
Cancers are represented by the "crab",which refers to their self-respective and sensitive nature. Like the crab, Cancerian individuals often feel the need to withdraw into their shell when hurt. Alternatively, they may manipulate others to get what they want.
Cancers are slow to change, and have a deep connection to their families (especially their mothers), their roots, and tradition. In addition to being protective of themselves, they are also protective over their loved ones.
Cancerian individuals tend to be indirect, and dislike confrontation.
Cancers are the "mothers" of the zodiac. They are incredibly hospitable and nurturing, as well as caring and dependable.
Famous people with their Sun in Cancer: Pamela Anderson, Princess Diana of Wales, Tom Cruise, Prince William, Gisele Bundchen, George W. Bush, Tom Hanks, Lindsay Lohan, Meryl Streep, Sylvester Stallone, Harrison Ford, Selena Gomes, Jessica Simpson.
Leo is symbolized by the Lion, a majestic creature heralded for its courage, pride, and authority over the rest of the animal kingdom. Indeed, Leos are known for their excellent leadership abilities, which is strengthened by their noble manners and charismatic personalities. In fact, many prominent leaders have their Sun in Leo.
Leos are known for their narcissistic tendencies and their great sense of self-importance. However, Leos have a great desire to improve the world they live in, fueled by their love for others.
As the natural ruler of the 5th house of fun, romance, risk-taking, and creative expression, Leos are attracted to the good things in life and have no problem being in the spotlight. Despite this, Leos are incredibly hard-working individuals, just like their animal counterpart.
Leos need plenty of attention and appreciation to stay happy. Like the lion, Leos are loyal, traditional people, and often blame themselves when something goes wrong.
Famous people with their Sun in Leo: Barack Obama, Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Sandra Bullock, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Robert Redford, Whitney Houston, Ed Norton, Halle Berry, Mick Jagger, Daniel Radcliffe.
Virgo is symbolized by the "virgin". No, that does not mean Virgoan men and women are celibate. Rather, they tend to emit a pure and natural energy to the rest of the world.
Virgos are known for their incredible work ethic, detail orientation, and skepticism. As an Earth sign, they tend to trust what they can sense, and require tangible proof of a thought, idea, or belief before changing their minds.
Virgoan individuals are concerned with organization. Even if a Virgo is not stereotypically neat and tidy, they are usually organized. Virgos are sensitive to their environments, and tend to embarrass easily.
Virgos have a strong need to be productive. They are not the ones to laze about and do nothing all day. They have a fear of under-performing, and take great care they are doing their work with the utmost efficacy and accuracy.
Virgos are generally very body-aware, sometimes to the point of developing hypochondriac tendencies. They prefer eating clean, healthy foods and living natural lifestyles. Virgos are also known for being perfectionists, as they strive for mastery over any subject they take interest in.
Famous people with their Sun in Virgo: Michael Jackson, Keanu Reeves, Cameron Diaz, Beyonce Knowles, Richard Gere, Prince Harry of Wales, Salma Hayek, Sofia Loren, Hugh Grant, Claudia Schiffer, Jason Statham, River Phoenix, Charlie Sheen, Colin Firth, Warren Buffett.
Libra is represented by the scales, which represents Libra's need for balance, harmony, and fairness in the world he or she lives in. Indeed this need for balance adds to their indecisiveness; other than taking a stand on an issue, Libras often prefer taking the "middle road", thereby not taking a side at all.
Libras are social, intellectual beings. They dislike confrontation, and may even choose to lie in order to avoid rocking the boat. They are fond of socializing, and often have a wide group of friends.
Ruled by Venus, Libras often get the reputation for being superficial. It is not uncommon for Librans to choose friends based on their superficial qualities (i.e. looks).
As the natural ruler of the 7th house, Libras are naturally partnership-oriented. Their primary concern is how they relate to others and the rest of the world. In fact, Libras often dislike being alone. Having a partner makes them feel complete.
Famous people with their Sun in Libra: Zac Efron, Matt Damon, Eminem, John Lennon, Susan Sarandon, Kim Kardashian, Kate Winslet, Katherine Zeta-Jones, Christopher Reeve.
The Scorpion, the symbol of Scorpio, is a vengeful, cunning creature. Indeed, you would be wise not to bring out their dark sides. Like the Scorpion, Scorpio natives have amazing regenerative powers.
Scorpios are very determined, resourceful people who put their 100% into everything they do, whether it's work, finances, or love. Being a fixed sign, it can be difficult to get them to to anything they don't want to do. This is a sign that is not intimidated easily, and do not shy away from confrontation.
Ruled by Pluto, the god of the underworld, Scorpios desire power and control. They are great at getting it, too, due to their tremendous willpower and patience. Scorpios are incredibly curious people, with a strong investigative spirit. Superficiality simply won't do for these folk; they love to probe and get to the heart of the matter, rather than simply skimming the surface.
Scorpios have an unmistakably intense and complex nature. They are secretive and suspicious, and can "see right through you". Don't try to fool them, because it simply will not work. They are unafraid of loss and can become vengeful if you cross them.
Famous people with their Sun in Scorpio: Leonardo Dicaprio, Jodie Foster, Julia Roberts, Bill Gates, Demi Moore, Hillary Clinton, Aishwarya Rai, Katy Perry, Gerard Butler, Shahrukh Khan, Ryan Gosling, Winona Ryder.
Sagittarius is symbolized by the Centaur, the half-man, half-beast creature of mythology. This represents the animalistic and spiritual side of human beings. While Centaurs are described as adventurous, wise, and courageous, they are also described as uncivilized and combative.
Sagittarians are restless, enthusiastic, open, and friendly. They love their freedom, which makes settling down into a routine very difficult. Due to their open and affectionate natures, they easily make friends from all walks of life. Sagittarians are known for being gullible, due to their trusting natures. They are blindly optimistic at times, which gives them the reputation of being unrealistic.
Being a fire sign, Sagittarians have quick tempers, but the fire dies down very quickly. Most of the time, they are playful, flirtatious and open. Being a mutable sign, Sagittarians are also known for their "flakiness", i.e. their inability to follow through with plans. You know that friend you made plans with, but canceled at the last minute? She might be a Sagittarius. Sagittarians "go with the flow", and are fickle by nature. As a result, they tend to change their minds quickly.
You know that friend who always gets herself in trouble from speaking her mind too much? She might be a Sagittarius. People with this Sun sign are incredibly opinionated, and love giving their two cents on practically anything, even if the conversation has nothing to do with them. Sagittarians are famous for their blunt manner. They tend not to sugar coat what they say, which can be offensive to others. Sagittarians do not mean any harm, however; they truly believe honesty is the best policy, even if their manner is forceful and direct.
Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarians have a love of travel, philosophy, and religion. They tend to look at the "big picture", and gloss over minor details. It is common for Sagittarians to take on tasks of Herculean proportions, only to leave them unfinished once they have found something more interesting. In keeping with the Jupiterian quality of abundance, Sags often exaggerate when declaring their outspoken beliefs and ideas. In addition, Sags are also known for their unmistakable generosity.
Capricorn is symbolized by the goat, the introverted, lone creature, who slowly, but surely move through life.
Ruled by Saturn, the planet of realism, Capricorns have a grounded approach to life. They tend to engage in only things they see as "worthwhile"; Capricorns detest wasting their time on ineffective activities. More specifically, they have a disdain for the superficial or frivolous. This applies to their careers, friendships, and relationships. They base their choices on long-term considerations and tradition, as well as the way the choices will make them "look" to others.
As the natural ruler of the 10th house of career and notoriety, their public image and social status are important to them. They have no qualms about working hard, as long as there is a pay-off in the end. Success and money are the main driving factors of Capricorn's work ethic. Indeed, Capricorns are often referred to as the "businesspeople of the Zodiac."
Despite their practicality and serious natures, Capricorns are known for their sense of humor, which is dry and sarcastic. Their delivery is great; they have the ability to keep a straight face, even while telling a joke.
Famous people with Sun in Capricorn: Michelle Obama, Martin Luther King, Elvis Presley, Orlando Bloom, Jude Law, Mel Gibson, Kate Moss, Jared Leto, Cary Grant, Nicholas Cage.
Aquarius is symbolized by the water bearer. Disappointed your sign doesn't have some cool animal to represent it? Don't be. Water washes away the past and makes room for a clean start. Water gives life to the world, just like Aquas' visionary and growth-oriented approach to life helps the world move forward. Indeed, Aquas are known for their humanitarianism and desire to make the world a better place.
Ruled by Uranus, the planet of rebellion, Aquas move to the beat of their own drum. They're not afraid to stand out from the crowd. In fact, they thrive on their uniqueness and willingness to not follow the beaten path.
Aquas are intellectual (even genius), clever, and friendly, though aloof and detached. Even though they are open-minded, they are fixed in their opinions, and love thinking they are right. They shun tradition and embrace anything that is new, exciting, and inventive. Because of their emotional detachment and intellectualism, they are skilled at the art of debate.
As the natural ruler of the 11th house of friendships, Aquas generally have a wide group of friends from all walks of life. They see everyone as equals, and tend not to give anyone special treatment. Indeed, it's common to see an Aqua helping a complete stranger as readily as helping a long-time friend. Aquas have a tremendous need for freedom, which makes it difficult for them to settle down into a stable routine.
Famous people with Sun in Aquarius: Nicolas Sarkozy, Jennifer Aniston, Shakira, Justin Timberlake, Robbie Williams, Oprah Winfrey, Paris Hilton, Cristiano Ronaldo, Bob Marley, James Dean, Ashton Kutcher, Paul Newman, Taylor Lautner.
Pisces is symbolized by the fish. Fish swim in opposite directions, which relates to Pisces' feeling of always being pulled in two directions, making decision-making very difficult.
Being a mutable sign, Pisceans are adaptable to different types of people and places. They tend to find something they like about everyone they meet.
Ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams, Pisceans give off a spacey, other-worldly vibe. They are incredibly sensitive and compassionate people who shy away from confrontation. Their compassion is often so strong, that they might tell a lie in order to spare the other person's feelings. Pisceans cannot stand to hurt you; they are easily affected by human suffering. For this reason, Pisceans also have a difficult time saying "no", and readily take on the role of the martyr..
The world is a harsh, cold place, which can be difficult to handle for compassionate, sensitive Pisces. Pisceans escape the world through their dreams and through self-delusion and escapist tendencies. In fact, it can be difficult for a Piscean to distinguish fact from reality. When hurt, Pisces will withdraw into their private, inner world, and wallow in their self-pity. But fear not: these episodes are regenerative to Pisces' well-being.
As the natural ruler of the 12th house, Pisceans are secretive and spiritual. It is not uncommon for Pisceans to be described as chameleon-like and changeable, in keeping with their mutable nature.
Famous people with Sun in Pisces: Kurt Cobain, Albert Einstein, Jesus Christ, Elizabeth Taylor, Osama bin Laden, Steve Jobs, Rihanna, Eva Longoria, Daniel Craig, Adam Levine, Mitt Romney, and Eva Mendes.
Sun in the 1st house: This placement gives an Arian overtone to our personal traits. If the Sun is in the same sign as the Ascendant, those traits are intensified. This placement indicates courageousness, enthusiasm, ambition, and confidence. This placement favors self-awareness and overall presence. People with this placement are individualistic and independent, and focused on themselves.
Sun in the 2nd house: This placement indicates the person’s energies are primarily focused on amassing material wealth and security. Your powers of attraction when it comes to money are strong. You enjoy comfort and luxury. People with this placement are apt to have a strong sense of self-worth if the Sun is not afflicted.
Sun in the 3rd house: Individuals with this placement are talkative, communicative, and interested in technology. They excel in the fields of writing, sales and publishing. The siblings play a large role in the person’s life.
Sun in the 4th house: Those with their Sun in the 4th house have strong ties to their families, tradition, and history. You are strongly self-protective, and have a strong need for security and stability. People with this placement might also strongly desire children from a young age.
Sun in the 5th house: If you have your Sun in the 5th, you are confident, fun-loving, and risk-taking. People with this placement are fond of romance, and are often popular among their peers. Your self-confidence is strong, which makes you very attractive to the opposite sex. You are very fond of children, as well.
Sun in the 6th house: Your identity is wrapped up in your work. You love feeling useful, and dislike idleness. You might be a workaholic, and may suffer from nervous tension. You have excellent organizational skills, as well. You might be overly concerned about your health if your Sun in this house is afflicted.
Sun in the 7th house: Your identity is wrapped up in your relationships. It’s difficult for you to feel complete without a partner. You are confident and popular, with a wide circle of friends. You have the ability to see both sides of the coin. You seek harmony, cooperation, and balance in your relationships.
Sun in the 8th house: You are strongly interested in subjects relating to sex, death, transformation, and taboos. You attract the support of others easily. You are naturally suspicious of others. This aspect can sometimes indicate the early death of the father.
Sun in the 9th house: You are strongly focused on travel, religion, beliefs, philosophy, politics, and higher education. You are interested in the “big picture” of life, and have strong moral convictions. This placement favors long journeys to foreign lands.
Sun in the 10th house: Your identity is wrapped up in your career. Social status and recognition are important to you. You are very ambitious, and make a wonderful leader. You are likely to be in the public eye at some point in your life, especially if the Sun is conjunct your Midheaven. Traditions and how you “appear” to others are important to you.
Sun in the 11th house: You are individualistic, scientific, rebellious, and forward-thinking. You make friends easily, and often take on the role of the leader of your group. Your mind is often focused on humanitarian concerns. Clubs, groups, and associations play a large part in your life.
Sun in the 12th house: You are private, mysterious, and introverted. This is an especially difficult placement if you are a fire sign. You need a lot of alone time to recharge your body and mind. You are likely attracted to psychology, astrology, or mystical subjects. You hide from the spotlight, and prefer to work behind the scenes. You hide your true self out of fear of losing your privacy.
Aries is the sign of the Child. Indeed, Aries men and women have a child-like quality, which can be quite endearing, or irritating, depending on who you ask!
Aries is symbolized by the "Ram", as they go "head-first" into everything they do. They are active and energetic, as well as straight forward and very impatient. They tend to "act before they think", both with their bodies and their tongues. Aries individuals tend to live in the "now", meaning they move on quickly and tend not to plan ahead. These individuals are known for their courage, independence, and "me"-centered philosophies on life.
As a Cardinal sign, Aries enjoys initiating activities, and loves to be the first to start activities. They are usually bold, and do not shy away from confrontation. In fact, a good conflict energizes Arians. They have quick tempers, but move on from their anger very quickly. This is not a sign that holds a grudge.
Famous people with their Sun in Aries: Mariah Carey, Russell Crowe, James Franco, Lady Gaga, Quentin Tarantino, Reese Witherspoon, Sarah Jessica Parker, Heath Ledger, and Marlon Brando.
Taurus is symbolized by the "Bull". Indeed, Solar Taureans are strong-willed, yet stubborn folk.
Taurus individuals are solid, dependable, and hard-working. They are sensual and pleasure-seeking, as in, they enjoy activities which tickle all the physical senses. They enjoy good food, good drink, comfortable surroundings, and picturesque views. Their pleasure-seeking behavior give Taureans the reputation of being the "hedonists" of the Zodiac.
Being an Earth sign, security is very important to them. Taurus rules the second house, the house of material possessions. Indeed, financial security is important to Taureans. Taurus men and women have fixed ideas, and it is next to impossible to change their minds once their minds are made up. They also tend to hold on to grudges, and have a difficult time "letting go" of past hurts. Taureans are possessive folk; knowing something or someone is theirs gives them a great sense of security.
Famous people with their Sun in Taurus: George Clooney, Uma Thurman, Al Pacino, Leonardo Da Vinci, Jessica Alba, Robert Pattinson, Michelle Pfeiffer, Penelope Cruz.
Gemini is represented by the "twins", which refers to their dual nature. Indeed, it is common to find two sides to a Gemini, each having a personality unlike the other.
Geminis enjoy communication and collecting information. They thrive on intellectual stimulation, and enjoy a good debate. They tend to bore easily due to their constant need to experiment, explore, and communicate.
As an mutable sign, they thrive on change and adapt to new people, places, and situations with ease. In keeping with their changeable natures, they tend to change their minds and feelings frequently.
Gemini is ruled by Mercury, a non-emotional, intellectual sign. As a result, they make friends easily, but are difficult to get close to. They have a scattered energy about them; they tend to spread their energies wide to ensure a maximum amount of experiences. You'll often find Geminis performing several tasks at once. Indeed, Geminis often "know a lot about everything, but a little about one thing"; they tend not to delve deeply into issues, but rather prefer skimming the surface.
Famous people with their Sun in Taurus: Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp, Nicole Kidman, Marilyn Monroe, Natalie Portman, John F. Kennedy, Paul McCartney, Rafael Nadal, Clint Eastwood.
Cancers are represented by the "crab",which refers to their self-respective and sensitive nature. Like the crab, Cancerian individuals often feel the need to withdraw into their shell when hurt. Alternatively, they may manipulate others to get what they want.
Cancers are slow to change, and have a deep connection to their families (especially their mothers), their roots, and tradition. In addition to being protective of themselves, they are also protective over their loved ones.
Cancerian individuals tend to be indirect, and dislike confrontation.
Cancers are the "mothers" of the zodiac. They are incredibly hospitable and nurturing, as well as caring and dependable.
Famous people with their Sun in Cancer: Pamela Anderson, Princess Diana of Wales, Tom Cruise, Prince William, Gisele Bundchen, George W. Bush, Tom Hanks, Lindsay Lohan, Meryl Streep, Sylvester Stallone, Harrison Ford, Selena Gomes, Jessica Simpson.
Leo is symbolized by the Lion, a majestic creature heralded for its courage, pride, and authority over the rest of the animal kingdom. Indeed, Leos are known for their excellent leadership abilities, which is strengthened by their noble manners and charismatic personalities. In fact, many prominent leaders have their Sun in Leo.
Leos are known for their narcissistic tendencies and their great sense of self-importance. However, Leos have a great desire to improve the world they live in, fueled by their love for others.
As the natural ruler of the 5th house of fun, romance, risk-taking, and creative expression, Leos are attracted to the good things in life and have no problem being in the spotlight. Despite this, Leos are incredibly hard-working individuals, just like their animal counterpart.
Leos need plenty of attention and appreciation to stay happy. Like the lion, Leos are loyal, traditional people, and often blame themselves when something goes wrong.
Famous people with their Sun in Leo: Barack Obama, Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Sandra Bullock, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Robert Redford, Whitney Houston, Ed Norton, Halle Berry, Mick Jagger, Daniel Radcliffe.
Virgo is symbolized by the "virgin". No, that does not mean Virgoan men and women are celibate. Rather, they tend to emit a pure and natural energy to the rest of the world.
Virgos are known for their incredible work ethic, detail orientation, and skepticism. As an Earth sign, they tend to trust what they can sense, and require tangible proof of a thought, idea, or belief before changing their minds.
Virgoan individuals are concerned with organization. Even if a Virgo is not stereotypically neat and tidy, they are usually organized. Virgos are sensitive to their environments, and tend to embarrass easily.
Virgos have a strong need to be productive. They are not the ones to laze about and do nothing all day. They have a fear of under-performing, and take great care they are doing their work with the utmost efficacy and accuracy.
Virgos are generally very body-aware, sometimes to the point of developing hypochondriac tendencies. They prefer eating clean, healthy foods and living natural lifestyles. Virgos are also known for being perfectionists, as they strive for mastery over any subject they take interest in.
Famous people with their Sun in Virgo: Michael Jackson, Keanu Reeves, Cameron Diaz, Beyonce Knowles, Richard Gere, Prince Harry of Wales, Salma Hayek, Sofia Loren, Hugh Grant, Claudia Schiffer, Jason Statham, River Phoenix, Charlie Sheen, Colin Firth, Warren Buffett.
Libra is represented by the scales, which represents Libra's need for balance, harmony, and fairness in the world he or she lives in. Indeed this need for balance adds to their indecisiveness; other than taking a stand on an issue, Libras often prefer taking the "middle road", thereby not taking a side at all.
Libras are social, intellectual beings. They dislike confrontation, and may even choose to lie in order to avoid rocking the boat. They are fond of socializing, and often have a wide group of friends.
Ruled by Venus, Libras often get the reputation for being superficial. It is not uncommon for Librans to choose friends based on their superficial qualities (i.e. looks).
As the natural ruler of the 7th house, Libras are naturally partnership-oriented. Their primary concern is how they relate to others and the rest of the world. In fact, Libras often dislike being alone. Having a partner makes them feel complete.
Famous people with their Sun in Libra: Zac Efron, Matt Damon, Eminem, John Lennon, Susan Sarandon, Kim Kardashian, Kate Winslet, Katherine Zeta-Jones, Christopher Reeve.
The Scorpion, the symbol of Scorpio, is a vengeful, cunning creature. Indeed, you would be wise not to bring out their dark sides. Like the Scorpion, Scorpio natives have amazing regenerative powers.
Scorpios are very determined, resourceful people who put their 100% into everything they do, whether it's work, finances, or love. Being a fixed sign, it can be difficult to get them to to anything they don't want to do. This is a sign that is not intimidated easily, and do not shy away from confrontation.
Ruled by Pluto, the god of the underworld, Scorpios desire power and control. They are great at getting it, too, due to their tremendous willpower and patience. Scorpios are incredibly curious people, with a strong investigative spirit. Superficiality simply won't do for these folk; they love to probe and get to the heart of the matter, rather than simply skimming the surface.
Scorpios have an unmistakably intense and complex nature. They are secretive and suspicious, and can "see right through you". Don't try to fool them, because it simply will not work. They are unafraid of loss and can become vengeful if you cross them.
Famous people with their Sun in Scorpio: Leonardo Dicaprio, Jodie Foster, Julia Roberts, Bill Gates, Demi Moore, Hillary Clinton, Aishwarya Rai, Katy Perry, Gerard Butler, Shahrukh Khan, Ryan Gosling, Winona Ryder.
Sagittarius is symbolized by the Centaur, the half-man, half-beast creature of mythology. This represents the animalistic and spiritual side of human beings. While Centaurs are described as adventurous, wise, and courageous, they are also described as uncivilized and combative.
Sagittarians are restless, enthusiastic, open, and friendly. They love their freedom, which makes settling down into a routine very difficult. Due to their open and affectionate natures, they easily make friends from all walks of life. Sagittarians are known for being gullible, due to their trusting natures. They are blindly optimistic at times, which gives them the reputation of being unrealistic.
Being a fire sign, Sagittarians have quick tempers, but the fire dies down very quickly. Most of the time, they are playful, flirtatious and open. Being a mutable sign, Sagittarians are also known for their "flakiness", i.e. their inability to follow through with plans. You know that friend you made plans with, but canceled at the last minute? She might be a Sagittarius. Sagittarians "go with the flow", and are fickle by nature. As a result, they tend to change their minds quickly.
You know that friend who always gets herself in trouble from speaking her mind too much? She might be a Sagittarius. People with this Sun sign are incredibly opinionated, and love giving their two cents on practically anything, even if the conversation has nothing to do with them. Sagittarians are famous for their blunt manner. They tend not to sugar coat what they say, which can be offensive to others. Sagittarians do not mean any harm, however; they truly believe honesty is the best policy, even if their manner is forceful and direct.
Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarians have a love of travel, philosophy, and religion. They tend to look at the "big picture", and gloss over minor details. It is common for Sagittarians to take on tasks of Herculean proportions, only to leave them unfinished once they have found something more interesting. In keeping with the Jupiterian quality of abundance, Sags often exaggerate when declaring their outspoken beliefs and ideas. In addition, Sags are also known for their unmistakable generosity.
Capricorn is symbolized by the goat, the introverted, lone creature, who slowly, but surely move through life.
Ruled by Saturn, the planet of realism, Capricorns have a grounded approach to life. They tend to engage in only things they see as "worthwhile"; Capricorns detest wasting their time on ineffective activities. More specifically, they have a disdain for the superficial or frivolous. This applies to their careers, friendships, and relationships. They base their choices on long-term considerations and tradition, as well as the way the choices will make them "look" to others.
As the natural ruler of the 10th house of career and notoriety, their public image and social status are important to them. They have no qualms about working hard, as long as there is a pay-off in the end. Success and money are the main driving factors of Capricorn's work ethic. Indeed, Capricorns are often referred to as the "businesspeople of the Zodiac."
Despite their practicality and serious natures, Capricorns are known for their sense of humor, which is dry and sarcastic. Their delivery is great; they have the ability to keep a straight face, even while telling a joke.
Famous people with Sun in Capricorn: Michelle Obama, Martin Luther King, Elvis Presley, Orlando Bloom, Jude Law, Mel Gibson, Kate Moss, Jared Leto, Cary Grant, Nicholas Cage.
Aquarius is symbolized by the water bearer. Disappointed your sign doesn't have some cool animal to represent it? Don't be. Water washes away the past and makes room for a clean start. Water gives life to the world, just like Aquas' visionary and growth-oriented approach to life helps the world move forward. Indeed, Aquas are known for their humanitarianism and desire to make the world a better place.
Ruled by Uranus, the planet of rebellion, Aquas move to the beat of their own drum. They're not afraid to stand out from the crowd. In fact, they thrive on their uniqueness and willingness to not follow the beaten path.
Aquas are intellectual (even genius), clever, and friendly, though aloof and detached. Even though they are open-minded, they are fixed in their opinions, and love thinking they are right. They shun tradition and embrace anything that is new, exciting, and inventive. Because of their emotional detachment and intellectualism, they are skilled at the art of debate.
As the natural ruler of the 11th house of friendships, Aquas generally have a wide group of friends from all walks of life. They see everyone as equals, and tend not to give anyone special treatment. Indeed, it's common to see an Aqua helping a complete stranger as readily as helping a long-time friend. Aquas have a tremendous need for freedom, which makes it difficult for them to settle down into a stable routine.
Famous people with Sun in Aquarius: Nicolas Sarkozy, Jennifer Aniston, Shakira, Justin Timberlake, Robbie Williams, Oprah Winfrey, Paris Hilton, Cristiano Ronaldo, Bob Marley, James Dean, Ashton Kutcher, Paul Newman, Taylor Lautner.
Pisces is symbolized by the fish. Fish swim in opposite directions, which relates to Pisces' feeling of always being pulled in two directions, making decision-making very difficult.
Being a mutable sign, Pisceans are adaptable to different types of people and places. They tend to find something they like about everyone they meet.
Ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams, Pisceans give off a spacey, other-worldly vibe. They are incredibly sensitive and compassionate people who shy away from confrontation. Their compassion is often so strong, that they might tell a lie in order to spare the other person's feelings. Pisceans cannot stand to hurt you; they are easily affected by human suffering. For this reason, Pisceans also have a difficult time saying "no", and readily take on the role of the martyr..
The world is a harsh, cold place, which can be difficult to handle for compassionate, sensitive Pisces. Pisceans escape the world through their dreams and through self-delusion and escapist tendencies. In fact, it can be difficult for a Piscean to distinguish fact from reality. When hurt, Pisces will withdraw into their private, inner world, and wallow in their self-pity. But fear not: these episodes are regenerative to Pisces' well-being.
As the natural ruler of the 12th house, Pisceans are secretive and spiritual. It is not uncommon for Pisceans to be described as chameleon-like and changeable, in keeping with their mutable nature.
Famous people with Sun in Pisces: Kurt Cobain, Albert Einstein, Jesus Christ, Elizabeth Taylor, Osama bin Laden, Steve Jobs, Rihanna, Eva Longoria, Daniel Craig, Adam Levine, Mitt Romney, and Eva Mendes.
Sun in the 1st house: This placement gives an Arian overtone to our personal traits. If the Sun is in the same sign as the Ascendant, those traits are intensified. This placement indicates courageousness, enthusiasm, ambition, and confidence. This placement favors self-awareness and overall presence. People with this placement are individualistic and independent, and focused on themselves.
Sun in the 2nd house: This placement indicates the person’s energies are primarily focused on amassing material wealth and security. Your powers of attraction when it comes to money are strong. You enjoy comfort and luxury. People with this placement are apt to have a strong sense of self-worth if the Sun is not afflicted.
Sun in the 3rd house: Individuals with this placement are talkative, communicative, and interested in technology. They excel in the fields of writing, sales and publishing. The siblings play a large role in the person’s life.
Sun in the 4th house: Those with their Sun in the 4th house have strong ties to their families, tradition, and history. You are strongly self-protective, and have a strong need for security and stability. People with this placement might also strongly desire children from a young age.
Sun in the 5th house: If you have your Sun in the 5th, you are confident, fun-loving, and risk-taking. People with this placement are fond of romance, and are often popular among their peers. Your self-confidence is strong, which makes you very attractive to the opposite sex. You are very fond of children, as well.
Sun in the 6th house: Your identity is wrapped up in your work. You love feeling useful, and dislike idleness. You might be a workaholic, and may suffer from nervous tension. You have excellent organizational skills, as well. You might be overly concerned about your health if your Sun in this house is afflicted.
Sun in the 7th house: Your identity is wrapped up in your relationships. It’s difficult for you to feel complete without a partner. You are confident and popular, with a wide circle of friends. You have the ability to see both sides of the coin. You seek harmony, cooperation, and balance in your relationships.
Sun in the 8th house: You are strongly interested in subjects relating to sex, death, transformation, and taboos. You attract the support of others easily. You are naturally suspicious of others. This aspect can sometimes indicate the early death of the father.
Sun in the 9th house: You are strongly focused on travel, religion, beliefs, philosophy, politics, and higher education. You are interested in the “big picture” of life, and have strong moral convictions. This placement favors long journeys to foreign lands.
Sun in the 10th house: Your identity is wrapped up in your career. Social status and recognition are important to you. You are very ambitious, and make a wonderful leader. You are likely to be in the public eye at some point in your life, especially if the Sun is conjunct your Midheaven. Traditions and how you “appear” to others are important to you.
Sun in the 11th house: You are individualistic, scientific, rebellious, and forward-thinking. You make friends easily, and often take on the role of the leader of your group. Your mind is often focused on humanitarian concerns. Clubs, groups, and associations play a large part in your life.
Sun in the 12th house: You are private, mysterious, and introverted. This is an especially difficult placement if you are a fire sign. You need a lot of alone time to recharge your body and mind. You are likely attracted to psychology, astrology, or mystical subjects. You hide from the spotlight, and prefer to work behind the scenes. You hide your true self out of fear of losing your privacy.
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